Embody the elements
Yoga Workshop with Faye
July 8th - July 10th
About the teacher
Faye started yoga 12 years ago and very soon has decided to fully dedicate her time and energy to her yogic journey.
Having completed her first training in India, she has been practicing for over a decade several types of yoga (especially Vinyasa and Ashtanga) and started teaching seven years ago.
After attending numerous workshops and classes with great yoga teachers (Kino MacGregor, Dylan Werner, Laruga Glaser, Iain Grysak, Savvas Giantsis and many others) she has created her own personal style of Vinyasa, which is based on the structured and anatomical approach of the asanas and her own unique creativity. Read more

The Workshop
Synchronize breath and movement – the ujjayi breath in Vinyasa
From grounding to basic standing poses
Warriors and variations
Building strength for Chaturanga we explore the main transitions of the Sun Salutations
We ground together and release tension
Breathing in and out with Anulom Vilom (Ida and Pingala nadi / the Ha and the Tha of the mind)
Exploring the right and left side of the body with twists and baddhas
Watery (fluid) vinyasa (learn how to change direction on the mat – embrace adaptability in your life)

Introducing Kapalbhati (Shining the forehead through the abdomen)
Dynamic Core Vinyasa (On the way to Bakasana / drills to break down jump back – jump through /compression strength drills)
Balance control and surrender and use fire element to transform and evolve
Breath awareness techniques / Lion Breath
Hip-opener and arm balance Vinyasa (On the way to titibhasana)
Explore safely hip mobility and build shoulder strength for arm balances
Accept vulnerability finding softness in strength

Nadi Shodhana (retention, hold the breath, create space in the mind)
Heart opening and backbend Vinyasa (from grounding to standing backbends – how to practice safely backbends – how to use props)
What lies between two thoughts or before the action?
Searching for stillness in movement and grace in thinking we create the foundation to relate and connect
Short meditation to activate the Chakras

18.30 - 20.00
10.00 - 11.30
13.00 - 14.30
10.00 - 11.30
13.00 - 14.30